Employment Application Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Cell Number*PhoneEmail* AvailabilityCheck all available days/times.Monday Select All 8am - 11am 11am - 2pm 2pm - 5pm 5pm - 9pm Tuesday Select All 8am - 11am 11am - 2pm 2pm - 5pm 5pm - 9pm Wednesday Select All 8am - 11am 11am - 2pm 2pm - 5pm 5pm - 9pm Thursday Select All 8am - 11am 11am - 2pm 2pm - 5pm 5pm - 9pm Friday Select All 8am - 11am 11am - 2pm 2pm - 5pm 5pm - 9pm Saturday Select All 8am - 11am 11am - 2pm 2pm - 5pm 5pm - 9pm Sunday Select All 8am - 11am 11am - 2pm 2pm - 5pm 5pm - 9pm How many hours per week?*Available for Overnights?* Yes No Holidays?* Yes No Eligible to work in the US?* Yes No At least 21 years of age?* Yes No Ever convicted of a felony?* Yes No Please explain.Why are you interested in working for our company?*In what towns/zip codes are you available to work in?*Check all items you are comfortable with:* Select All Walking more than 1 dog Handling large dogs Handling cats Handling fractious cats Pilling or administering meds to cats Giving injections Any animals you prefer not to work with?* Yes No List animals you would prefer not to work with:Describe your personal and professional experience with pets.*Education background related to animal care.*Employment HistoryList current/most recent employer first.Name of Employer*Dates of Employment*Reason for Leaving*May we contact your supervisor?* Yes No Supervisor Name and Contact InformationDuties*Name of EmployerDates of EmploymentReason for LeavingMay we contact your supervisor? Yes No Supervisor Name and Contact InformationDutiesName of EmployerDates of EmploymentReason for LeavingMay we contact your supervisor? Yes No Supervisor Name and Contact InformationDutiesPersonal ReferencesPlease provide 3 personal references, not related to you, whom you have known for at least one year.Name and Contact Info*Name and Contact Info*Name and Contact Info*Untitled